Monday, October 24, 2011

Bathroom Vanity/Tile Replacement

I was hoping that replacing our 1980's bathroom vanity would be a simple afternoon job. But when we tore it out, I saw the prior owners had just tiled UP TO the base of the old vanity.... :-/   

Old '80's Vanity... :-/

Vanity Removed

Dilemma One: Find new tile that matches the old tile....

Backer Board Installed

After searching local home stores (Home Depot, Lowes, etc.), I was able to find a ceramic tile that matches the old... but not EXACTLY.  My solution was to create a tile accent to frame the existing space and new vanity, and then to fill in the space with the new tile. The border would separate the new from the old tiles, so the inexact match would not be so noticeable.

Accent border with new tile

Close Up of Accent Boarder

Dilemma Two:  Find a matching grout.... but the whites were too white, the greys too grey, and the tans too tan... :-/

Unfortunately, you can't buy grout in sample sizes, and you can't return them once opened. I ended up having to concoct a mixture of grouts and stain to create a match... one part bisque white, one part Delorean grey, and an ample amount of liquid tan grout stain -- all mixed together to create the match...

New Grout Concoction.....

Cleaned Grout (tape is to mark vanity placement)
After cleaning, sealing, and trim install.... here's the finished product.... :-D

New Tile with Installed Vanity


  1. Wow - that looks great! Very creative way to solve the problem. Same happened to me when I removed old vanity - they didn't tile underneath it! Lazy cheapskates. Grrrr.... LOL

  2. Looks great! I love the tile accent around the floor of the vanity!

  3. Thanks for checking it out, Young Wifey! I'm glad you like it! <3 DIY Barbie <3

  4. Hey Bravo! Thanks!! How did you find tile to match?? Or, did you redo your whole floor? <3 DIY Barbie <3

  5. Wonderful! That’s a great match you have there. I like it!

  6. it is biggest problem in tile flooring. In my bedroom I have two damage tiles but have no idea how to replace it without any other tile damages so I was searching many technique on Internet and review many blogs about tile replacement repair. I hope if I I will try your replacing technique then they give a better look to my floor.
